Tuesday, February 8, 2011


New country, new haircut, new me!
Today I went to a little salon near Porta Florentina and attempted to tell them I would like my haircut like Katie Holmes. After not being able to communicate to any of the hair stylists with my mangled Italian and hand gestures I decided to let them have free range. I am very pleased with the end result and no longer feel like the bedraggled American I did before.

Ignore my awkward smile. The Italians behind me were laughing as I was taking this picture ("what a vain Americana") so I was attempting to hurry. Haha
Today, besides getting my haircut and paying rent, I went to the fruit market and bought a bunch of apples from the mother who is constantly scolding her son, Alice, who likes to flirt with us Americanas. For lunch I went to the La Spaghetteria which is in Genuis Book of World Records for the most varieties of pasta. Generally, Italians go to La Spaghetteria and order the dish with their name. Of course, seeing as the Italians cannot even pronounce my name, there is not a spaghetti dish called "Callie." Instead I order Nadia--I could be a Nadia with my haircut now, it's possible--which was prosciutto, parmigiano, e olio. Delizioso!


  1. I love the new haircut! It fits you so well, I wish I could pull something like that off. Anyways, I love you and hope I can talk to you again soon.

  2. Cal, you look so pretty! Like an international, sexy spy:)

  3. So gorgeous! You look very refined with it, and definitely like Katie Holmes :)
