Phew!!! Test done. Ho finito! I think I did really well on the oral part of the exam (thanks to my language partner Luisa!), but we'll have to wait and see how I did on the written part.
Today was a day of accomplishments: took my midterm for Italian and interviewed the program adviser for an article I am writing for a local magazine. Now, I just have to get to writing. But not tonight, tonight is for relaxation after such a stressful strain of studying.
This weekend I am going to Florence and next Friday I am going to Acquapendente (which means "hanging water"). Saturday and Sunday are the only free weekend I have left for my entire time in Italia, so I will either be relaxing in Viterbo, or possibly enjoying myself at the local termi (hot springs) or I might travel to Bracciano, a nearby town and lake. Oh the possibilities!
Instead you came to lunch in Vetralla... hope you enjoyed it, and are enjoying the olive oil...