Sunday, October 2, 2011

Oh my giddy aunt!

Autumn is upon us and with it comes a slight nip in the air. Whenever the weather cools off, I begin to think of one thing: knitting. Knitting scarves, knitting socks (something I still haven't quite gotten the hang of), and knitting lots and lots of hats (my favorite thing to knit I would say). This year however, I decided to try something new: crocheting. I've often heard that for those of us who were taught to knit quite young will never be able to master crocheting and vice versa. Well, I want to eat my cake too, so I have enlisted my Mum to teach the knotty craft!
Mum and I spent the morning on our porch passing the crochet hook back and forth. Although I have just begun, I think that I can debunk the old wives' tale and say that I am on my way to becoming a master crocheter!
 Look at that pretty chain! turn
 Okay, it looks like I messed up, but I didn't! Mum put that spacer there for me so that I wouldn't get all scrunched up. So that's where my double crochet began. Not bad right?
 Getting more intense now!
 Lily was getting overwhelmed with the lessons but couldn't be parted from Mum, of course.
 So now it is a matter of attempting to remember everything I learned. Um....yeah. MUM!!! I need help, Christmas is just around the corner and I have a few presents to make :-)

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