Spring has officially arrived in Viterbo however I am not holding my breath. Apparently on Easter Sunday it has rained every year for the past century, so I am not wasting any of the precious Italian sunlight. Saturday, I went with Luisa, her sister and her sister’s friend, Kelly and Grace to Capodimonte to enjoy a picnic at the lake. I made sandwiches for all of us and Luisa made apple muffins, which were delicious! Because Italians do not traditionally make, nor eat, muffins she wanted to have us American girls try them and approve them. I approved and even asked for seconds.
When we could no longer sit behind the Italian woman stretched out on the warm sand simply clad in a slinky, red bikini which didn’t cover her full body as much as it should. And when she lifted her arms to stretch, the patch of underarm hair found there nearly caused me to choke on the Spanish-styled quiche Luisa had just offered me.(Unfortunately all of the pictures I took of this lovely women found there way only onto Grace's camera--a very thoughtful birthday present I must say. So, I won't be posting any here sadly. I know you are very upset by this, I apologize).
Sitting in the sun for the first time in months was not kind to me and left its mark quite clearly on my back in a strange, lined burn.
Just some pretty sights walking outside of Viterbo
Yesterday, after a twenty minute walk outside of Viterbo’s walls we reached the small town of La Quercia where a Chocolate Festival was being held. Chocolate Festival: enough said.
Nasty, nasty, nasty chocolate liquor-ick!
Chocolate massage anyone?
Easter time is almost here!
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