Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Too Much!

Last night (Monday night), I had another culinary experience in a restaurant which looks like it could be the madhatter’s kitchen.  I had another class—Italian Literature—and so I showed up to the restaurant after all of the cooking had been done. Normally people would be happy they wouldn’t have to lift a finger, but I am really enjoying learning how to make Italian dishes. So, when I miss such an opportunity, eating the delicious food is not quite the same.

For the first course we had was an egg-like flan with a piece of turkey over top. I didn’t admit it at the time of course because I sat right next to my instructor, but this particular dish was one I could have gone without.

Next, we had ammmmmmaaaaazzzzzzinnnnnnnnggggggggggg lasagna.

The lasagna was followed by a piece of chicken sandwiched between pieces of fila and grilled vegetables.  The little mound of green there which looks like grass, well, it is grass. Tasty grass at least though.

Desert was of course carnival treats. We have here the traditional carnival cakes (which are somewhat like cake donut holes) as well as the flat carnival frappe (the flat ones with powdered sugar on top). We also had bakes raviolis with ricotta cheese and chocolate filling. YUMMY!

I could barely walk home, I was so stuffed! 

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