Monday, January 31, 2011

How time does slip

 This post was written last Friday but I unfortunately did not have the time, nor the internet to post it on time. Oops!
This last week has gone by way too quickly! This week alone felt like it was only one day rather than seven! This could possibly be due to the frosty winter weather, but also to the fact that school has officially begun.
Tomorrow I am supposedly going to the Monster gardens, but unfortunately it appears my fellow travelmates are a bit under the weather and would prefer a day in Viterbo. I think I will be okay with this, although I do want to make sure we journey to the land of monsters before too much longer. Rawrrr!!!

Yesterday was my first Italian exam and I fear I did not do too well on it. With three years of high school Spanish tumbling around in the recess of my mind, conjugating verbs and remembering which words are masculine and which are feminine can be confusing at times. Next week I believe I will be cracking down on myself to try to pick up the language more so when it comes to taking tests I can rely more on my experience attempting to converse than on my memory.

Sunday is going to be a very, very big day! Il Vaticano is waiting for me. I can already tell I am going to be completely shell shocked all day Sunday. We are going to be leaving at 5:30 in the morning, which will throw me out of my lazy Italian sleeping pattern but adding even further to the haze of dream-like wonder I will be in walking under the handiwork of someone like Michelangelo. I can’t even begin to comprehend walking somewhere a person like St. Peter is buried. St. Peter! One of Jesus’s apostles. The history behind the Vatican is…is…well, it just is too fantastic to put into words.

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